Why Choose Butler Framing and Gallery?

  • We offer friendly, professional and knowledgeable staff
  • We focus on quality customer service
  • We have creativity to perfectly compliment a special piece of artwork, needle point, photos or memorabilia
  • Our staff have the designation of Internationally Certified Picture Framer (CPF). CPF is awarded by the Professional Picture Framers Association (PPFA) to individuals who successfully meet rigorous testing of current framing standards. The CPF is the highest level of professional recognition in the art and framing industry.
  • We have over 500 mouldings in stock to compliment your art
  • We have a reputation for quality and have our product is hanging on walls in homes and businesses around the world
  • We display the work of a large number of local, national and international artists
  • We use quality acid free materials
  • In addition to general operating hours, appointments convenient to the client can be arranged
  • 100% locally owned and operated
  • Work is performed on site